CCATO's 98th Annual County Convention
Knox Fire Hall--Knox, PA--Thursday, September 27, 2018
Officials representing townships of the second class in Clarion County met Thursday, September 27, 2018, at the Knox Fire Hall, Knox, PA for their 98th Annual County Convention. The purpose of the annual convention is to provide township officials with up-to-date information to help them better serve their residents and to give them an opportunity to exchange ideas on local government issues. Thanks to our presenters and the 31 exhibitors for making this a great event. Thank you to all the municipal officials that attended. Thanks to the Knox Volunteer Fire Co. for the use of their facility and the wonderful meal that was prepared. Thanks to Edenburg Presbyterian Church for the use of their facilities for our tax collector's workshop. The convention featured a wide range of speakers, included PSATS Executive Committee Member Chuck Stowe and Ginni Lynn, PSATS Director of Communication. Ms. Lynn talked about legislation affecting townships of the second class, association programs and services for townships, and issues of major importance to townships and their residents. Other speakers who will address the township officials include: Cherin Abdelsamie, Clarion County Director of Assessment; Kirk Kirkpatrick, PA One Call; David Worthing, M&T Banking; Linda Bliley, Bliley Tax and Accounting; Randy Mitchell, RAK Computer; Rex Munsee, Clarion County Sheriff; Carol Porter, H&R Block Master Tax Advisor; and Charles Bloam, PSTCA District IV Representative. Also the Clarion County Association of Township Officials presented their annual award to the 2018 Outstanding Township Official. Click on the images to visit our 2018 County Convention page sponsors.
2018 Outstanding Official Award
2018 CCATO County Convention Exhibitors
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Photos from 2018 CCATO County Convention
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