Upcoming Events, Area Workshops & Webinars
![]() PSATS' Webinar Wednesdays fit your busy schedule!
PSATS is offering a series of webinars on Wednesdays from noon to 1 p.m. Each month, the topics will rotate among the four tracks of the PSATS Municipal Government Academy (PMGA): public safety, planning, administration, and public works. PMGA enrollees can earn one secondary credit per webinar. UPCOMING TOPICS
June 18, 2020
Today's Liability Issues: From COVID-19 to Sexual Assault to Government Immunity This program, by municipal attorney Tony Sherr, will examine the impact of COVID-19 on tort liability issues facing political subdivisions and will highlight specific situations where they could face tort liability. He will also review the potential ramifications for political subdivisions of the recent amendment to the Immunity Act applying to sexual assaults and provide an overview of the Political Subdivision Torts Claim Act. June 24, 2020
Run, Hide, Fight! - Responding to Active Shooter/Intruder Situations Are your township employees and officials prepared to appropriately respond in the event of an active shooter or intruder in your township building or at one of your public meetings? In this webinar, Trooper Kelly Smith with the Pennsylvania State Police will focus on active shooter/intruder awareness, outline the key safety concepts of Run, Hide, Fight, and provide best practices for your townships to implement to enhance personal and public safety. July 1, 2020
Emergency Management Q&A Panel with PEMA Area Offices Join us on July 1 as PSATS welcomes representatives from PEMA’s Western, Central and Eastern Area Offices to answer your questions on emergency management-related topics. The panel will cover a variety of topics, including best practices for emergency management structure, handling emergency declarations, resource request procedures and reimbursement-related issues. July 15, 2020
How to Manage Work Relationships More Effectively The relationships we have with our co-workers determine, in large part, how effective we are at our jobs and even how happy we are outside of work. However, as a busy township professional, you may feel that improving work relationships takes a lot of time and skills that may be outside of your comfort zone. The good news is, with some awareness and practice, everyone can develop better relationships at work. July 22, 2020
RoadResource.org - Get the Most Out of It for Township Roads In this webinar, presented by Corinne Chalovich of Russell Standard Corporation, learn how to maximize the value of RoadResource.org, including by building your own road network, using the pavement life cost calculator, planning for future repairs and replacement, and using other tools in the RoadResource.org toolbox. July 29, 2020
Creating an Affordable Retirement Plan (MEMBERS ONLY) The Trustees Insurance Fund, through PSATS, is offering a webinar to provide an introduction to our 457 Plan and help your township officials determine if this is a valuable benefit to offer to the employees. This benefit can be offered to both full-time and part-time employees for a nominal annual administrative fee. July 29, 2020
Stormwater Management for Residential Developments In this webinar, representatives of McMillen Engineering will provide an overview of the significant impact that residential development can have on municipalities’ ability to manage stormwater runoff, explore effective ways to implement stormwater management for residential users, and review commonly used stormwater management best practices for residential development. August 5, 2020
Don't Wait: How to Prepare Now for the Next Crisis The best way to handle a crisis is to prevent it. The second best way is to be prepared for it. Having a crisis plan in place before a crisis happens is key to getting your township on the road to recovery. Attend this session led by an accredited public relations counselor to learn: the stages of a crisis; how to go about creating a crisis plan; must-have content for your crisis plan; and best practices for effective communication during a crisis. August 12, 2020
How to Manage Utilities in ROWs in 2020 Numerous companies have facilities or wish to install new facilities in the narrow ribbon of real estate known as the public rights-of-way. Yet, townships are charged with the task of managing these facilities to protect public safety. This webinar will review how to balance those competing interests, including by covering three major legal rulings that have fundamentally altered the ability of townships to perform this task--the 2019 PA Supreme Court decision in City of Lancaster v. PUC, the 2019 FCC Cable Franchise Order, and the 2018 FCC Wireless Order. |
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